I am trying the default template file and can compile the html slides pretty well with Knit ("Knit to moon_reader"). However, when I ran `xaringan::inf_mr()`, I always got "R Session Aborted". I'm us…
From version 0.8.0, remark.js has had the ability to take user defined macros that can control output. I cam across this because I wanted to control the size of a single image without polluting my MD …
Three.js Scatterplot is not showed in the slide. Is it not supported?
# Three.js
```{r, fig.align='center', echo=FALSE}
I do not know if this is the right place to ask this question, because it does also apply to the remark.js source, but...:
If you use a two column layout, i.e. something like you did here:
When using `*` to highlight lines, the respective lines are indented by one space.
This does not happen with `{{ }}`.
I had suspected that with `html_document` being called inside `moon_reader` that the following would work as `test.Rmd`:
title: "Presentation Ninja"
subtitle: "⚔with xaringan"
author: "…
{r results = 'asis'}
Work out a nice way to show / present my talks from my website, either through some plugin, or some way of presenting the slides directly.
I think @yihui uses updog to host his slides, if I rememb…
When I comment out R chunks it seems to put two slides on one with a line.
I made a minimal example:
title: "My Problem"
lib_dir: libs
Hi @yihui. I'm having some problems displaying maths equations in a xaringan presentation, and after experimentation, it seems to be something to do with subscripts, curly braces and \sum.
So, for …