Instead of #10, the service should support typeahead search over all notations to select a concept. The resulting concept URI can then be used to retrieve mappings.
Client-side (in-browser) storage could be used to preserve the current state of the application even after refreshing the site or restarting the browser. See https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/client-side-…
DDC translations are licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND (e.g. and ). This is a very restrictive license but we might show the DDC unchanged nevertheless and we would not be the first (see and top levels on…
The configuration file should have a list of URIs for favorite schemes. Therefore it could be easily overwritten by someone who needs a different set of favorite schemes.
The purpose of this component is to show existing concordances, mappings and mapping recommendations. A table is just the primary form to display mappings. A MappingBrowser would also allow browsing i…
A vue API documentation tool such as [vue-styleguidist](https://github.com/vue-styleguidist/vue-styleguidist) should be used to document all components.
This could use the existing `from` and `to` parameters.
Mappings can also have a type (first URI in field `type`). These types should be selected together with the mapping direction. Good symbols need to be found for each combination:
symbols | URI
I am a newbie at swift programming. I am getting same error ImagePicker No such module found.
MacBook-Pro:i2pd Shift$ make -j 2
mkdir -p obj
g++ -o obj/i2p.o i2p.cpp -c -g -Wall -std=c++0x
g++ -o obj/base64.o base64.cpp -c -g -Wall -std=c++0x
g++ -o obj/NTCPSession.o NTCPSession.cpp -c -g -W…