I installed xerces-c 3.1 from homebrew to be able to start MalmoPython released by Microsoft, but it makes it impossible to start your version.
I suppose you should remove xerces-c from homebr…
Create a REST service that provides returns registered CLEF participants including the tasks they are registered for.
In the challenge edit page, there should be a "Winners" tab, where you can list the winners of the completed challenges, and a small section of the prizes they received etc
ImageCLEF organizers should be notified as soon as a participant has uploaded an EUA
On a per-challenge basis, crowdAI will be able to display dynamic visualisations on the leaderboard detail page (which is under development https://github.com/crowdAI/crowdai/issues/324). These visual…
Add when someone posts a comment to your post.
Sent via email to info@crowdAI.org
> The AI-generated music challenge is hold recently. It is a innovative competition on the area of artificial intelligence.
I'm honoured to joint such an intere…
This modification provides support for the 'CLEF' challenges model, eg: ImageCLEF.
[Specification document](https://github.com/crowdAI/crowdai/files/1359346/ImageCLEF_CrowdAI.Final.pdf)
The key …