another issue :D
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Playing music
2. Pressing keys "up" or "down" to change the volume, or "left" to love the
-> 3. maybe 0,5 to 1 seconds of sile…
another issue :D
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Playing music
2. Pressing keys "up" or "down" to change the volume, or "left" to love the
-> 3. maybe 0,5 to 1 seconds of sile…
It looks like the database (and the wal-e backup) decided to go kaput. I'm not sure where in the logs it would have happened over the last ~5 days but I can grab them and do some digging with a bit of…
I must said that probably is not a bug, since Im new using sigma, but I didnt found where to submit the question.
Hi have this HTML
It works!
C::J::X 2.3404 https://github.com/rurban/Cpanel-JSON-XS/issues/13 breaks JSON.pm's make test. Using a modified JSON.pm 2.90 from https://github.com/bulk88/JSON/commits/master
using C::J::X 2.3403
title says it.
Greetings. I am trying to get signa.js up and running. I have tested the script given on the wiki homepage and it works. I created my own script based on that template, but it doesn't work. Runnin…
After introduction of the new parser in fitnesse new versions are unusable in my project. Opening attached page takes forever.
hidden data setup
!*< Data
!define group {1}
!define field {1}
!define …
augroup vimrc
augroup END
autocmd vimrc WinEnter * :execute ( (winnr('$') == 1) && (&filetype ==# 'qf') ? 'bwipeout!' : '')
1. vim -…
rbtnn updated
10 years ago
I'm having a weird issue with startify and command-t, when I open vim I have to press `e` to go to an empty buffer before calling command-t or when I choose the file vim will close.