Hi! Thank you very much for sharing your code! I was able to run it on my local PC. I have also tried it on my own dataset, particularly for tree crown delineation on UAV images. While it worked, it h…
Hi @supechicken,
Thank you so much for sharing this! It's almost perfect for HTPC frontend.
One thing that I noticed is that the youtube app does not allow adjusting playback speed.
Hi @Koshak1013, I have got [Jginyue X99-D4 Titanium](https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AnvdAQ) motherbo…
It’s an awesome work, and thank you for sharing.😄
When I apply DA-CLIP to train on my own dataset for a dehazing task, I encounter an error during testing: "CUDA out of memory." It seems like the i…
First of all thank you for sharing the dataset and code. However, I noticed that the provided code does not reflect the architecture published in the ECCV 2024 paper. After fixing some minor issues, t…
Hi, chiahao3,
Thanks very much for the sharing of your scripts and data.
When I tried the script of **Fig_1d_10p3mrad_Talos_runPtycho.m**, some warnings appeared. Please see the two snapshot bel…
### Coursework content
Watch [The power of believing that you can improve | Carol Dweck | TED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X0mgOOSpLU) and [Neuroplasticity](https://youtu.be/ELpfYCZa87g). Writ…
## Problem
The current HTML head section lacks a meta description tag, which could impact the search engine ranking negatively and make discovering the page difficult. A meta description provides se…
### Quick summary
The like button link is not being displayed on the post notification email sent from an Aatomic site as it is on Simple sites email notifications.
### Steps to reproduce
> Incidentally, the icon for our Copy URL activity isn't showing up on my iPad, both Debug and App Store versions. The button and label are both there, but the button is blank. Odd.
> — Awful 3.17