Attempted to build using pio and I run into this error:
CONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/page/boards/espressif32/m5stack-core2.html
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (3.2.1) > M5Stack Core2
On SAMD platforms (tested using Arduino Nano33 IoT and other similar SAMD21-based Sparkfun boards), I cannot find an easy way to find the cause of a panic. I'm concerned about panics from things like…
When I try to compile command_center.ino, it fails to compile and outputs following error message:
I am trying to set up a unified lighting display with my keyboard and RGB LED strands, and a program like this would be cool. It could be printing device RGB data to the Arduino or other receiving dev…
The network security protocols that can be handled are listed as WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK. Are there any plans to support WPA2-Enterprise PEAP in the near future? Would love to see that included.
jetcard (OS) state seems odd.
I put jetcard_v0p0p0.zip onto the sd card and attached it to the jetson nano.
when i burn jetcard to SD card, there is a problem that booting is not possible.
Добрый день.
Очень заинтересовала эта прошивка для ESP, но никак не могу ее скомпилировать.
К сожалению, ранее с Platformio не имел опыта работы.
Прошу подсказать что я делаю не так, думаю новичкам…
(the title should read support/development) Hi, are you planning to continue with this project in the future? I am finding it very intriguing, I made it working for my project, but need your wisdom on…
Are there any thought/plans to support the new smartthings app? Specifically some kind of UI for showing zone status like the old one?