Coupling domains defined on different meshes by an `InterfaceMesh1D` is demonstrated in ex04, but since a boundary value problem can be solved in a subdomain #159 #160, can problems on subdomains be c…
I am using latest rayon from git. By adding the `criterion` to my dependencies, cargo is not building the project. Here is the error,
| DESKTOP DESKTOP=> cargo test
Updating crate…
## Reason
A few minor updates are needed in the SONDefinitionFormatter to produce a more accurate NEAMS Workbench input schema:
1. Currently, one declarator is produced per schema hierarch…
In GitLab by @sloede on May 20, 2020, 09:08
So far, we just added all files in `examples/` to our tests. However, I suspect that most of theses tests run longer than is reasonable for a test. This is…
some ideas for new tutorial programs to write (please add):
- [x] parallel Navier-Stokes solver with common benchmark problems ( #3116 )
- [x] usage of data stored in quadrature points in parallel, …
tjhei updated
3 years ago
## Reason
NEAMS Workbench uses the `--definition` option to make an input validation and autocompletion schema for MOOSE apps.
However, applications control their own header that is printed befo…
Investigate further how MOOSE can facilitate unit tests, because the documentation isn't very clear: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/moose/application_development/test_system.html
Internal boundaries were queried in #336 and support added in #340. I wanted to check that these were preserved in serialization #158 #261 under #680, but it appeared whereas they were supported by t…
An important number of the scikit-rf users present their works during conferences or in papers published in journals. It has already been asked "how to cite scikit-rf?" (#73) and [this question is als…
I am getting terrible performance with Experimental::BlockCrsMatrix and MultiVec (BlockCrsVector doesn't compile). What is currently the best way to deal with multiple degrees of freedom per mesh p…