The attached file causes GDAL to report different extents depending on whether the `GTiff/GeoTIFF` or `VRT` driver is used to read it.
I have a final hurdle in getting https files read, metadata gets read correctly, just np.fromfile doesn't like the fid.
It's not clear to me if readbytes is a close replacement.
Since we …
Hello, thank you very much for your code. In the code you provided, I found that files like rpc_01.xml were used. Is this document the data provided by the competition? Or is it extracted from other d…
Hello. When I try to use webpack with a simple express server I always get TONS of errors:
``` javascript
'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var path = requir…
A busca no portal não está retornando pesquisa por tags, porém se for clicado na tag a busca traz os itens que estão vinculados a mesma.
Looks like the casting from nitf::Field to size_t appears to be missing / broken.
[596/722] cxx: modules/c++/six/source/ReadControlFactory.cpp -> target/modules/c++/six/source/ReadControlFactory.…
Building the 1.8.0 version of PDAL I get the following error at the end:
100%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/pdal
lib/libpdal_base.so.8.0.0: undefined reference to `pdal::arbiter::fs::LocalH…
**Caso de uso:**
Os gestores do portal pretendem adicionar links cruzados entre os portais, destacando na capa de um portal a notícia de um segundo portal.
A principio isso já é possível utilizand…
IDG 2.1rc1; após migrar um site o usuário tenta criar uma notícia e acontece o seguinte erro:
2018-10-31T13:50:21 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 1541004621.580.200124588003 http://localhost:8181/…