Quick steps to reproduce:
1. Use jdk 1.8
2. git clone https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-convert-jar-to-war
3. Under complete folder: $ ./gradlew clean build
4. Put the built war file to Tomcat
5. To…
After starting the command line interface, I can input sentence to get the extraction result interactively.
But how to use the "openie [options] input-file ouput-file" command in the CLI?
I want …
@schmmd -
I'm running the latest version of IE (V4.1) Java jar file from command line on Linux VM. Need to know the command to process multiple files in an input directory. Don't want to play with …
I'd like to know if there is any jar file available from OpenIE that automatically (or semi-automarically) categorizes the tripelets extracted from the free text, as dmonstrated in http://openie.cs.wa…
the prodigy.el package doesn't properly init its dependencies.
I solved this by manually updating the dependencies. I have to do this after every Emacs relaunch
To reproduce this: install prodigy.el…
The license states that one needs to cite the developers for using this in published results. Is there a publication that details the SRL part of openie?
$ sbt compile
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/soboroff/openie/project
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/soboroff/openie/project/target/scala-2.10/sbt-0.13/classes...
[error] /Use…
I'm not sure what the cause is. We probably want a `.headOption.getOrEls…
$ git clone https://afader@github.com/knowitall/openie-backend.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /projects/WebWare3/usr/afader/Projects/data/reverb-clueweb12/openie-backend/.git/
Hi Rob, do you want the OpenIE backend hosted on GitHub? We could add it to the same repository as the frontend.