These sections are not relevant at this point. The Secretary of State option has now become "State Voter Info", and the "Polling information" button was removed as it didn't work and the same informa…
# Mission Create the SiteUser Java class
![Mission:Impossible Open Data Policing](https://computate.neocities.org/gif/mission-impossible-opendatapolicing.gif "Mission:Impossible Open Data Policing")
### Overview
We need to have a working READme file to easily on-board new team members.
### Action Items
### References
[Product One-Sheets](https://github.com/hackforla/product-managment/is…
The following needs to be renamed:
Phase 1: CODE
"Fix Politics" in the web screens, base.html, index.html, etc.
"Fix Politics" in the HTML and TEXT templates for Reports: email-results.HTML, em…
Team! Please submit videos for promo videos following the instructions below:
Submissions by **10.21.20 by 5pm.**
**_Please submit them here:_** https://ibm.box.com/s/z3rdvxozfr3gdm9jtpun6qa2y5yec…
INSTRUCTIONS: Add the key information about the incident under the headings Location, Date, Description and Links below and then click the green "Submit new issue" button.
If you are unsure about a…
Post Statblocks that break the current alpha of version 3.0.0 here.
Keep in mind that currently, offensive data **does not get parsed**!
Leave a link to statblocks that break SBC here. That could be statblocks that outright crash SBC or ones that lead to incorrectly created Actors in Foundry (e.g. wrongly calculated stats).
# Mission opendatapolicing/pom.xml
![Mission:Impossible Open Data Policing](https://computate.neocities.org/gif/mission-impossible-opendatapolicing.gif "Mission:Impossible Open Data Policing")