### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Baseline | [d15a19fd4a9dd21fb768b6de4870a2d80acb3669](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/d15a19fd4a9dd21fb768b6de4870a2d80a…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | alpine 3.15
Baseline | [10d342cecc5cbfc57419f8a92af4787f29d76c08](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/10d342cecc5cbfc57419f8a92af4787f29d…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | alpine 3.15
Baseline | [7175e861011e323295f5fcfc0a5fac648974b80d](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/7175e861011e323295f5fcfc0a5fac64897…
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Baseline | [f70d8a9663d3d674c453e26d405dc13baa79fd16](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/f70d8a9663d3d674c453e26d405dc13baa…
### Run Information
Architecture | arm64
-- | --
OS | Windows 10.0.19041
Baseline | [c9f80fdde29c71ac87971383c77a1a5e665fadb9](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/c9f80fdde29c71ac87971383c7…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [fa0d21579125aaf954e1e0d5084842d69feba299](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/fa0…
Dear yeahkun:
Thanks for your hard-working. I really enjoy this model.
However, I have a question from gnet_train.prototxt & gnet_test.prototxt
The top layer of "reg_reshape" layer is "regression" …
### Run Information
Architecture | x64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Baseline | [bdd67af67dbf43c0f5e9151b98dc100b9555898a](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/bdd67af67dbf43c0f5e9151b98dc100b95…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [aef327f3b418bf5dd4f25083aff160c9cdf4b159](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/aef…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | Windows 10.0.18362
Queue | TigerWindows
Baseline | [a64420c79cb63c485138f4f1352b8730f27d7b19](https://github.com/dotnet…