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Create tables:
SQLite is a relational database
Would it be possible to extend csv2rdf4lod to read tables/queries from relational databases?
## Description
With the development of the new [sqlite_manager](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-agent/tree/master/src/agent/sqlite_manager), we have a centralized place to manage database queries.
Allow more file formats such as gzip/bzip2(pigz/pbzip2), internal sequence file format. Besides, could paracel add support for loading data from other external storage such as a key-value database, a …
Download PoolTool JSON data for **[BLTNA](https://pooltool.io/pool/0359c9a1b26be45a91a4ddb1d02fb9c0f6d779ed5e515924ee1597f272336064/)**, parse them and place into relational database...
# Step 1/4 - Containers everywhere
### Estimated time: 2 hours
**[Spoiler alert]:** in the end of this onboard, you'll basically develop a [CRUD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_an…
Change the db to engine to an usable in production one. Search about MySQL vs PostgreSQL with Django and not relational databases