## 场景:
## 大概代码:
## 堆使用情况:
,--,: : | Nacos 2.0.1
,`--.'`| ' : ,---. Running in stand alone mode, All function…
### Your question
### Your question
Supporting gprc in the jraft-test module.
### Your scenes
Describe your use scenes (why need this feature)
### Your advice
Describe the advice or solution you'd like
Hey , thanks for the awesome project. I have an usecase where I need to use the RheaKV and also need leader election along with it.
Is there a way to do it without instantiating two raft clusters ? …
请问k8s 部署的nacos 1.4.1 忽然出现
protocol-raft.log:2021-04-07 22:42:59,276 ERROR Fail to refresh route configuration for group : naming_persistent_service, status is : Status[UNKNOWN: handleRequest internal…
@killme2008 this is a follow up of #552 which I was not able to re-open.
I have set up an automated test, to reproduce the rare problem - logs are attached.
Scenario as follows:
- Shutdown…
2021-06-09 16:18:02,873 INFO Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 17269 ms
2021-06-09 16:18:13,371 WARN Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh a…
### Your question
5, 使用raft后耗时=1920865纳秒
5, 使用raft后耗时=1287288纳秒
5, 使用raft后耗时=…
tsgmq updated
3 years ago
## Issue Description
Nacos 1.4.1 不能运行,在Mac M1机器上
### Tell us your environment
Mac Pro M1
### Anything else we need to know?