**Operating system**: Windows 7
**wxPython version**: 4.0.0rc1
**Stock or custom build**: stock
**Python version**: 2.7.14
**Stock or custom build**: stock
**Description of the problem**:
**Operating system**: CentOS6/RHEL6
**wxPython version**: 4.0.1/master
**Python version**: 2.7.14
**Description of the problem**:
Cannot compile on RHEL6, or a CentOS docker image of the same en…
Robin Dunn announced on April 15th that wxPython Phoenix will be known as wxPython 4, and an alpha was posted to PyPI. In addition to providing an easier way for us to migrate to Python 3.x, it…
I'm using
Ubuntu 16.04 64bit
wxPython 4.0.0b1
Python 3.5, Anaconda
I've Anaconda's Python 3.5 installed as my default system's python. I've installed wxPython on it via pip (vers…
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.pdf = PDFWindow(self.panel)
def OnOpen(self, evt):
file_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, u'打开文件', wildcard="pdf file|*.pdf", style=wx.FD_OPEN…
**when is use wxpython 3.0 version no error raised, but now i use wxpython4.0.0.b1 it raise wxAssertionError!! Below is sample code**
self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
Using `2.x` branch, commit 116fddaebb48adccb91ee23b34c26bb09ba27797, under Debian 9.3 stable
Currently for wxPython Phoenix the user has to locate the appropriate "Extras" package at https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython4/extras/ download & unpack it.
This is a shame as …
Hi, Gooey is a great idea, I was wondering is it possible to add Python 3 compatibility for this project?
[this gyst](https://gist.github.com/monkeypants/1d806416f2b095d5fc57de847df3e8ba) is my output of failed `maverick configure` with this localconf.json on a rpi3/raspbian-lite: