It seems that tensorflow v0.9.0 or v0.10.0rc0 (v0.9.0 works for me) should be used in Behavioral Cloning project. But it is not specified anywhere in project lessons.
With newer versions I received t…
Running the Simulator instructions (https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd013/parts/fbf77062-5703-404e-b60c-95b78b2f3f9e/modules/6df7ae49-c61c-4bb2-a23e-6527e69209ec/lessons/46a70500-493e-4057-a…
The following error appears in console when I run `drive.py` with command `python drive.py model.json`:
TypeError: connect() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
To resolve this probl…
I see only a black screen after I load app:
- s[last]
- s[next] ?
After saving my model using model.save('model.h5') I run 'python drive.py model.h5'. I expected it just to start wsgi and then run the car, but instead it runs the training over again. I must be doing…
I struggle with implementing a kind of multicast behaviour.
Is it possible to send a packet to a fixed destination such as, to look up this address in a table and get a match, resulting in…
Debian has raised the following bug:
- **caja** - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=827234
This MATE component needs migrating to GtkApplication:
- https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.…