Save it as RFC002
lalc updated
10 months ago
**Context**: Guaranteed privacy of the EU citizens is a major concern for EC. The comments is related to privacy and request to update ARF to ensure EU citizen privacy when using the EU ID Wallet.
@rohe 's
I can't find any mentioning of how the wallet identifies itself to the wallet provider. No client authentication? I guess it has something with the nonce to do.
Provide a specific field for the PR to specify the "service purpose" for requesting one or more credentials or attributes.
Topic to be further explored at the same time as selective disclosure.
here https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-docs/blob/versione-corrente/docs/en/pid-eaa-data-model.rst#L78
we have to align to this https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc/pull/202
Hi @peppelinux,
I would like to update static pages and errors pages with bootstrap italia 2.x.
If is ok for you I can migrate from spid-button to ita-button (spid button is not compatible with boot…
MdreW updated
10 months ago
in the issuance flow we use c_nonce and jwt proof without a proper definition of them
for instance, the c_nonce is a String containing a nonce to be used when creating a proof of possession of the …
The current editor's draft of the OID4VCI spec already defines the format for SD-JWT VC [here](https://openid.github.io/OpenID4VCI/openid-4-verifiable-credential-issuance-wg-draft.html#appendix-A.3.1)…
ntsbs updated
9 months ago
As I mentioned in the PR #100 we should add a new section describing the discovery phase also providing the non-normative examples.
Maybe we should do the same for the relying party section as well.