#### I'm running `main.py` and getting this error.
yolov8-face-landmarks-opencv-dnn on main via 🐍 v3.8.10
❯ py main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 171, in
I am working in your eye-lid detection algorithm which uses tensor-flow library. i was stuck in a procedure how to retrain the algorithm with new face and landmark annotated data-set.
Face landmark detection is the task of mapping a person's face for better computing and processing by software and machines. These landmarks provide a detailed geometric map of the face, enabling vari…
Hi! I have a problem while loading the model with
The model is available at the `models` directory. But an error arises while loadin…
I have tried the landmark detection on my images (just replaced the references in the code Facial_landmak.py and they do not appear to detect any significant features of the face and they do n…
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\server\Documents\MATLAB\find_face_landmarks.mexw64': The specified module could not be found. I tried different solutions, but the problem still found when I run landmarks f…
Hi and congratulations on your work!
I'm trying to reproduce your results and I'm having trouble preprocessing the FF++ dataset using your code. I have calculated the landmarks for each video as per …
I worked with your tool to annotated 300VW dataset with iris landmarks .
When I execute FaceLandmarks.exe with this picture:
Hi, I've created a new function in the jni_face_detect that takes the camera preview as raw bytes, the face box coordinates computed with Android API and I just need to detect the landmarks of one sin…
I am wondering if it is possible to share your Python code and TensorFlow models in python (at least for face detection and face landmark detection). Indeed, I really enjoyed the performance of …