Data being collected to aid in advertising is a very real use that is not represented here.
Do you provide the pretrained face recognition model that I can straightly use the model to extract facial features?
Try other up-to-date repos so that there is less face detection loss
I read your paper "Joint fine tuning in deep neural networks for facial expression recognition"
I want to implement the joint fine tuning method what you described in your paper section 3.5.2
I scan…
Hey pharma, I realize this was made mostly for SD, and found it that way - but I'm now also using it to organize my lifetime of photos! I had been using free version of a commercial app, https://excir…
So the module quit working, don't know for how long. I haven't done any updates or anything, so I don't know what prompted it quitting. It just hung on 'Loading' and nothing happened.
Getting this error while cloning :
Cloning into 'Facial-Recognition-Using-FaceNet-Siamese-One-Shot-Learning'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 22, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (22/22…
* face_recognition version: 1.3
* Python version: 3.6.9
* Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Jetson Nano 4gb w/ JetPack 4.6)
I'm just trying to get facial detection and recognition working f…
Alternative: [python-facepp](https://github.com/yanminhui/python-facepp)
Python-FacePP is a library for communicating with a [Face++](https:/…
It would be really interesting to see if there were individuals who were grouped together at first and then disbursed (and/or came back together) -- this would suggest who might have been coordinating…