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# Summary
Following recent discussions in the AirSwap community, we introduce an sAST staking token that gives participants the right to vote and to earn protocol fees as a result of their governing …
@joe-wojniak We worked together on mstables in the past and I've found a work around for morningstar data.
I see in your repo references to trading crypto, have you had this working in live trading …
I am wondering is there any public bank customers (anonymized) transaction data?
Which acts like a shepherd for the commons. This would be able do fundraising also from public partners. Then spend it for infrastructure, maintenance of OFL licensed stuff and fostering the ecosystem…
## OS-Climate are progressing with key deliverables and are keen to explore where Financial Objects can help define data standards for reference in the wider work
### Description of Problem:
Hey, Jae.
**Jae Kwon:**
I actually ironically think that the issue with liquid staking the relative analogy would be closer to 2008 financial c…
One could presumably increase the margin for a classifier such that, to classify a sequence of price movements as a BUY or SELL, the predicted movement must be higher than what it is now (0.002% incre…
| **How** | **What** | **Why** |
| Overview | Background Check | Alert |
| Condition Sort |…