Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1652
Let the user select a part of an image, instead of using the whole image.
Reported by `nicolas.raoul` on 2013-01-30 03:54:16
### What is your Test Scenario?
My Testcase
test('As a User I can able to create a deck to enter all valid information', async t => {
await LoginToApplication('abcd','abcd')
Try to send request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
var data = Querystring.stringify({
"grant_type": "password",
"username": login,
Here is what I tried via the terminal; please advise:
Peters-MacBook-Air:~ peter$ defaults write net.ankiweb.dtop NSAppSleepDisabled -bool true
Peters-MacBook-Air:~ peter$ defaults write net.…
###### Reproduction Steps
1. Do not use AnkiDroid for a while, or forcibly kill it
2. Call `com.ichi2.anki.api.AddContentApi.getModelList` via its API from another app. The api version used is `co…
- Add/Read/Delete functions for Flashcards, Notes, and Cheatsheet must be completed
- Ui for individual screens must be created
- Basic version of application must be able to run
So I can't figure out what's going on with this. Is there a way I can manually create roms list. I'm using lastest stable version. Surreal64 .
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1298
Some people might be typing math flashcards on their Android tablets, without Anki Desktop
present to do the rendering.
I'm trying to run my asp.net 5 web app on ubuntu 14.04 and after running dnu restore and trying to run dnx command to host it I get this error:
> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Mic…