I believe the theme parameters are not fully covering the margin options for guides. In this [SO question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17073772/ggplot2-legend-on-top-and-margin), I discovered a…
People occasionally ask about plotting survival curves with ggplot2. While it is possible, [see here for some examples](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bggplot2%5D+survival), it's not done in the…
``` r
The panels have a bit of a raised, 3-D look to them. Also, the thinner/lighter lines on the left side look a bit off when the facet label box has a darker/heavier line.
``` R
ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, m…
I have a package [`INBOtheme`](https://github.com/inbo/inbotheme) which is a collection of `ggplot2` themes. The vignette applies as the themes to the same set of plots. Therefore I've placed that sec…
Question received....
1) Sometimes, the R shows:
> ggpairs(ar,upper=list(params=c(size=10)),lower=list(continuous='smooth'))
Error in display_param_error() :
'params' is a deprecated argument…
Anyone familiar with this error and can help me out?
I get this error every time I try to plot my data:
- Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
- Theme element 'text' has NULL property: margin, debug
Hello, thank you so much for this awesome package. I use `plot_grid` ALL THE TIME and it's so nice.
I just tried installing the package on a machine that is restricted to R 3.2.3 (with no chance of…