## Expected Behavior
Private key is correctly decrypted in [code](https://github.com/grafeas/kritis/blob/master/pkg/kritis/secrets/pgpkey.go#L95) when passphrase is provided.
## Actual Behavior…
Hi All,
I'm in that foder:
in that folder there are all git files downloaded, gemfile included but when I triggering the command:
`docker run --name grafea…
## Expected Behavior
Secrets with passphrase can be successfully fetched.
## Actual Behavior
`secrets.Fetch()` fails with `base64 decode failed illegal base64 data at input byte 8`.
## Steps t…
golang dep is the new/recommended way to handle deps.
We need the `@google-cloud/grafeas` to not default to the default Google endpoint, we should allow authentication and endpoint to be passed in after the client is created:
Hi there, we want to use in-toto with grafeas to prove complance in a CI/CD pipeline. So we started out with this project (after testing out in-toto itself). But I am having trouble to get it working …
+ tee gotest.out
appengine/gophers/gophers-6/main.go:26:2: cannot find package "github.com/gofrs/uuid" in any of:
The API specification contains:
# This is a copy of metadata from the container image or grafeas,
# indicating the provenance of the revision. This is based on the
# contain…
The recent [addition](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/compare/201d7be7f9da...8dfde277c731) of [artman_containeranalysis_v1beta1.yaml](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/goog…
### Description
I'm trying to use the docker registry, portus, and notary together. The registry and notary both are using portus as an authentication provider.
### Steps to reproduce
1. Setu…