The ppm files of LFW dataset has face as green, hair as red & remaining area as blue.
to foster community involvement - some richer sample code beyond MNIST should be tackled.
Generative Adversarial Networks is a hot topic amongst ML - and some sample code using swift should help enco…
Hi guys, this happens with odoo 8 and ubuntu 12 but all that is not relevant
i figured the cause of the issue is that when there is only empty content (such as margin) to be drawn on the last page.
[*] Copying any custom NWNX plugins
'/nwn/home/nwnx/NWNX_Chat.so' -> '/nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Chat.so'
'/nwn/home/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so' -> '/nwn/nwnx/NWNX_Core.so'
'/nwn/home/nwnx/NWNX_Creature.so' -> '/n…
I have been using wkhtmltopdf to generate PDF files through [django-wkhtmltopdf](https://github.com/incuna/django-wkhtmltopdf) and have come across some issues. I have recently been getting returns fr…
## With transform in preprocessing.py
## With correct transform
I'm interested in using dlib for semantic segmentation. I think the only necessary features would be:
- Loss function - it doesn't look like loss_multiclass_log would work for this
- "Unpooling" upsam…
It would be good to have some more image transforms (manual and random for augmentation). [TensorFlow has the following](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/image#Image_Adjustments):
- Bri…
Android 4.4.2 LG G2, OneSignal-Unity-SDK-2.3.3, Unity 5.6.2f1
The app is run…
Hi @mjockers I currently import the **syuzhet** dictionary into my own [**lexicon**](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lexicon) package per this PR: https://github.com/mjockers/syuzhet/pull/19