Please create examples for
Sketch names should be named VirtualPins_smth
It can be a single example skecth named Virtual Pins
You may also include alterna…
Here I go again wishing I had a logging function. Maybe I need to plug in that micro SD card and see what it can do?
ESP-01 is a no-go. WeMos has a shield! And a [data logger example](https://github.…
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable pri…
To report on Twitter (or elsewhere) need `currentRuntimeMin` and `(eeCurrent -1)` (current number of runs) to report to a vPin or something for another device to provide analytics.
Ideas for analyti…
Tested good!
Use this at the normal sparkfun interval:
`Blynk.virtualWrite(66, String("officetemp1=") + officeTemp);` Expand to multiple pins as needed.
Use this in the app with the proper vPin (66 …
Im tryng to run my sketch in which include rf24network library non my node mcu esp8266
Usually i run it in an ATmega without problem
i get this error message.
Arduino:1.6.13 (Mac OS X), Sch…
There has been a discussion in #227 on how to name pins (and peripherals such as I2C). Most MCUs have pins named by port and pin number on that port, such as Port A, Pin 4, referred to as PA4 for exa…
Just github latest 1.5, directly extracted to c:\-test - no adjustments to ini-file, so everything is probed. If I run with demo param, it plays demo image, but still not on the dmd - only virtual. Ad…
Pins need a widget but it sounds like that's going to change per http://community.blynk.cc/t/storing-data-on-blynk-server-virtual-pins/7101/4