Firstly thank you for this extensive library. I have installed it and managed to load a workbook and worksheet as well as return the value for a given cell in the XLSX file.
I am processing a …
case comments1.xml
Test Comment:
Centrage du panneau milieu reférence
#0 0x00007ffff726924d in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
#1 0x00007ffff7291af…
file of 1mb to load in excel 4s, with xlnt 200mn and bug ...
so the sheetsize dimension ref = A1:XFB20282 (unzipped = 8mb)
i have a lot of cell "empty" only the style as
How to create a style for the column, to center the text ?
alignment& xlnt::alignment::vertical(vertical_alignment vertical)
To avoid to write a lot code for the style, .... i imagine a template as include hpp on the base of xml sheet to serialize before to write values .
advantage of the template , it is an excel expor…
CMakeLists.txt case zlib natif need find_package(ZLIB), not find_package(zlib)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
how to keep on workbook this first worksheet or an other?, i tried this code but it bug due the
workbook re-indexing , ( not the way to create a new workbook and copy the sheet to hold)
when trying to open the xlsx file generated by the sample program "...\samples\sample.cpp" by MS excel I get the following error :
Removed Part: /xl/calcChain.xml part with XML error. (Calculat…
latest commits give an error to build on win
CMake Error at D:/Program Files (x86)/Cmake/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:148 (message):
Could NOT find CryptoPP (mi…
Hi, I think std::string for password is wrong, because password must be uncode UTF-16. std::string holds UTF-8.
Try use std::u16string.