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**Current behavior:**
Since the update 4.0.0, the Observables for the Media Plugin does not work anymore. They a…
how to show reward video in real device
instead of window.admob, I suggest using cordova.plugins.admob
I feel like not enough plugins use cordova.plugins as a placeholder. it's a shame.
what do you think?
Since the update, my ads won't show for some reason, my code is as shown below.
id: 'my-id',
isTesting: false
How would one provide config.location? I'm not sure about iOS but for Android this is a native object (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location.html)
m6246 updated
7 years ago
I have tried to use this plugin in Ionic 2 as shown there https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/admob-free/ and add inside of **src/app/app.components.ts** ;
`import { TabsPage } from '…
The current cordova-admob-pro plugin, which is included in ionic native, is not free to use. Is it possible to rather use [cordova-plugin-admob-free](https://github.com/ratson/cordova-plugin-admob-fre…
I'm trying to get reward videos to show using the new API. I have integrated AdColony mediation in AdMob, making a video-only ad unit. I have also added cordova-plugin-admob-mediation-adcolony to my…
Hi I was thinking about implementing this plugin. However, I see this in the readme "You can also support this project by sharing 2% Ad traffic (it's not mandatory: if you are unwilling to share, plea…
I could not install plugin on the latest cordova builds.