The [v1.0.0 ::rpp_driver::SdkWrapper](https://github.com/suikan4github/rpp_driver/blob/2dc5c99cf581ce89b49e50063cfd91c915526631/src/sdk/sdkwrapper.hpp) covers only a few APIs from RasPi Pico SDK. It i…
I'm getting a segfault when using the Python API (very grateful for that addition by the way =D), am I using it correctly? The API reference PDF doesn't list the constructor. I'm using gcc/g++7.1.0 an…
_Most of the tests that currently cover core functionalities depend heavily on (and sometimes test) internal implementation characteristics. While they should be testing whether given implementation p…
# Steps to Reproduce
versionA : Bool -> Nat -> Nat
versionA True k0 = k0
versionA False k0 = 0
versionB : Bool -> Nat -> Nat
versionB True = \k0 => k0
versionB False = \k0 => 0
RabbitMQ stops consume after sometimes (eg, few hundreds thousands, sometimes millions)
Version: clickhouse/clickhouse-server:22.8-alpine and clickhouse/clickhouse-server:23.3-alpine
First of all, thanks for sharing, I've been straggling for days to show a page inside a Widget in iOS, Android and Web with the sane code base.
I use a Drawer in the AppBar, when it opens over an Eas…
As discussed in multiple LA meetings, I'd like to enable DAG support in the SDK.
Although, there might be an ambiguity on what it actually entails. I showed multiple examples where DAGs were used w…
In experimenting with system security and UKIs, I noticed that it is currently impossible to generate kargs to boot one specific deployment hash, with a kernel parameter such as `ostree=/ostree/deploy…
I've been working on building intersection and collision detection features for Open3D (I wrote the `Line3D`/`Ray3D`/`Segment3D` classes and have been working on triangle intersection and closest poin…
I have Jupyter installed via Anaconda, and yesterday I updated as follows:
`$ conda update jupyter`
However, the version has remained 1.0.0 for many months -- which seems strange.
There are oth…