(Ce bug est présent dans la version d'origine et n'est pas spécifique à cette version)
Lorsque l'on veut supprimer une adresse IP d'un laboratoire, les IPs étants déjà pré-cochées, il faut décocher…
Charts in the Revenue Section can show many decimals, which is un-intuitive because people expect two decimals for currency. Might depend on #450
This issue aims to enhance the user interface of the SaveOcean form to improve usability and visual appeal. Suggested improvements include refining layout, updating color schemes, enhancing button sty…
The "size" property of a renderable plane actually represents half the width/height of the plane. This should probably be reflected by the property description, or even changed to be the full width/he…
A Decentralized Land Registry which is a blockchain-based land registry solution designed to streamline property ownership and transfer by tokenizing land as NFTs and recording ownership…
I think that it might be more intuitive to have the `--non-interactive` behaviour as the default and instead have an `--interactive flag`.
There should be a GUI toggle for turning on and off whether zooming uses the mouse position to move the image around, or fix the position while zo…
I want to discuss [our spec of the DepthToSpace operator](https://onnx.ai/onnx/operators/onnx__DepthToSpace.html#depthtospace-13). Please help to current me if any misunderstanding. Thanks! (I don't w…
For all our Label Renderables we expose the properties "Font Size" (in pt) and "Label Size" (in pixels), and the apparent size of the labels depends on both of these values. This makes it really confu…