We've quite a lot of breaking changes coming up due to the (very needed) #102.
@0x00002a I'd like to discuss what other changes we might want to incorporate for the next release.
For one we do h…
Tectu updated
2 years ago
This file
explore: contributions is table('bigquery-public-data.fec.indiv20') {
measure: total_amt is sum(transaction_amt)
dimension: candidate_id is REGEXP_EXTRACT(memo_text, r'(C\d\d\d…
ANTLR PLUGIN 1.17 which is pretty out of date with ANTLR. It has 4.9.1 not 4.9.3.
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-213.6777.52, built on January 27, 2022
parrt updated
2 years ago
I've been thinking of ways that people could really start using PRQL practically. Somehow, something needs to transform their PRQL into SQL between the user and the DB.
Some ideas:
- An specific…
When you attempt to join something and the source is unknown you get an `Unknown Dialect` error instead of an unknown join.
SQL is complete but ugly: everything is expressible, but nothing is reusable; simple ideas are complex to express; the language is verbose and lacks smart defaults. Malloy is immediately understandabl…
There are a whole bunch of tests that are broken. Not sure what the desired behavior here .
There are several levels of this.
We need to introduce an ARRAY basic type in Malloy they show up in the schema.
So far, we have a working version "in very black & white": https://github.com/max-sixty/prql/pull/270
It would be great if this could become a bit like the Editor at the bottom of the [pest site](h…
explore: words_base is table('malloy-data.wordle.words'){
where: length(word) = 5 and word ~ r'^[a-z]....$'
join: numbers is table('malloy-data.malloytest.numbers'){dimension: a is 'a'; …