### What can happen
1. load a ncWMS collection
2. Clear a date field.
3. The field shows an error, and the empty value does not apply
![screen shot 2016-08-30 at 4 14 07 pm](https://cloud.githubuserc…
For example for IMOS/SRS/SST/ghrsst/L3S-1mS/dn/1992/19920331111000-ABOM-L3S_GHRSST-SSTfnd-AVHRR_D-1m_dn_Southern.nc, in the database the time is listed as "1992-03-31 09:20:00" whereas the actual time…
The Godiva3 has more features than i would need as a simple WMS viewer for my netcdf files. But it looks very "technical".
Is it possible to customize Godiva3? For example the map size ...
Is it pos…
For ncWMS2 endpoints, the default style should be `default-vector/default` for any layer with a name that ends with `face-group`, for example:
... should be used for internal ncwms. could by default be public.
When WMS `getCapabilities` advertise a list of `ELEVATION` values, allow user to select from available `ELEVATION` values in a dropdown list.
i've updated ncWMS from 2.0.4 to 2.2.1. Now i get a timestamp problem for cmip5 and cordex netcdf files from the ESGF archive.
2016-07-26` 14:30:42 WARN WmsServlet:2477 - Wms Exception caught: …
the current container has the error described at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/tds/faq.html#javaUtilPrefs
I've not seen the issue manifest until I use godiva and load WMS conte…
I've got a UGRID ocean forecast model dataset that's working with ncWMS2 (the DAP URL is: http://www.smast.umassd.edu:8080/thredds/dodsC/FVCOM/NECOFS/Forecasts/NECOFS_GOM3_FORECAST.nc)
but though I'v…