第一部分 Typescript基础一、typescript 安装1npm i typescript -g 全局安装完成后,我们新建一个hello.ts的ts文件 12// hello.ts内容let a = "poet" 接下来我们在命令行输入tsc hello…
> It may or may not be the same tool
## Machine Leanring / Neural networks for both
- https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/opencv4nodejs
- https://medium.com/@muehler.v/machine-learning-with-op…
Yeah yeah I know I should be using a case-sensitive file-system, but regardless these should be renamed IMHO:
$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/poets-ai/elegy
Cloning into 'elegy'...
01:20:32 INFO:Start training
2018-12-15 13:20:32.416065: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 …
Build an interactive installation for collaborative poetry based on the concept of CI.
[Featured poems](https://github.com/lukeware/happy-pixies/wiki/User-story:-Featured-poems)
Estimated Size: small (originally sized as medium because some parts of the story were challenging, but th…
follows #596
Builds on work done for Brill's [Ammianus Marcellinus Online](https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/amo/) and [Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"](https://beyond-translatio…
There's a lot of new stuff here and I don't go into great detail, but I wanted to post it here first, see what feedback there is, if any.
1. The next version will not use Twitter identity. When you…
you will create ONE check-in issue per module
# Suggested Study:
## Command Line Interface (CLI)
- [ ] relative vs. absolute paths
- [ ] The Coding Train
- [ ] Jesse Showalter
- [ ] CLI games:…
Currently, we're using the Win32-specific OleLoadPicture() for loading of GIF files.
We should switch to a portable GIF loading library both for more flexibility and platform portability.