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Is there a way to use this code to repackage an RTSP MJPEG stream into an HTTP MJPEG stream that HA's frontend can handle? Ideally I'd like to do this with minimal processing power, mostly because at…
I'm still using the Kerberos.IO Machinery interface for my video cameras because it supports h265 streams and agent does not yet. With more and more cameras going to 4k with h265, when can we expect s…
I am using this package to play rtsp streams. When I use the VLC player app for iphone, I do not see the same performance I am getting with this package. The VLC app on iphone doesn't drop a…
Is it possible to use Linphone SDK to fetch RTSP Stream?
Hi, as in topic, is it possible to insert a manual rtsp stream? usefull for intercoms that are not able to send video in SIP
or we can inject an camera feed from another camera
thnx in advance
Hello @BreeeZe
How run onvif server in windows ?
Good afternoon!
I am trying to send out an rtsp stream from motion eye but don't see the option. I know the option is available through motioneyeos . What is the best way to stream out via rtsp fro…
按照您的代码,android设备实测的时候,读rtsp的时候,总是提示rtsp:// Protocol not found 请问下这个怎么调整?