I tried to reduce 1 standard star frame so flame would correct the frame, wavelength calibrate it and do the sky subtraction ready for flux calibration.
I had to make a duplicate copy of the frame…
tomjf updated
5 years ago
It was pointed out by Andre Offringa that we can use the "-save-source-list" which comes with wsclean version 2.6 to pull the coefficients of the spectral polynomial fit. Setting this option to _True_…
Background subtraction is not currently handled correctly in `outlier_detection`. The `skymatch` step in `Image3Pipeline` computes the background for each input detector exposure and writes them to m…
* In the current version of `desitarget.skyfibers`, sky targets which have imaging data missing in *any* band are assigned the bit `BAD_SKY`, although [this notebook](https://github.com/desihub/desita…
@julienguy :
* Quicklook tries to make sure not to lose the functionality of the qproc algorithms inside QL [i.e., replacing BoxcarExtract, ApplyFiberFlat_QL, SkySub_QL with Extract_QP, ApplyFiberF…
DIMV keyword and value is in every KCOR fits header. Need to multiply data by ratio of DIMV of science image to DIMV value of flat image.
First of all great work! I am trying to modify the glsl file to add support for metalness, roughness and refractive index. I was able to add roughness to the specular property by using mix function. H…
Most noticeable in LRISr (with lots of CRs).
Describe Nirspec Fixed Slit data used in the master background step tests.