Here is are a couple examples that shows less helpful error messages:
$ turso db show d1
Error: failed to get database listing: 401 Unauthorized
$ turso db create foo
Error: cou…
Let's improve `db inspect --verbose` output to show rows read for replicas too.
Mock output:
$ turso db inspect --verbose endless-odin
Assuming the user is already signed in with a token that works:
$ turso auth token
$ turso auth logout
Logged out.
$ turso…
`turso db list` is not really useful when there are no DBs to be listed.
$ turso db list
What about telling users to create a database?
$ turso db …
I was trying to connect to turso database from a go app
package main
import (
func main() {
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
I was playing with Python client and I learned that pragma statements are not working. Same with Go client or the Turso CLI:
_, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF")
$ turso db shell libsql://asdfasd.asd
Error: failed to run shell: failed to connect to database: Post "libsql://asdfasd.asd": unsupported protocol scheme "libsql"
The error message state…
In some environments such as Cloudflare Workers you can't use `file:` URLs because they don't let you use the filesystem.
Instead, we could connect to `turso dev` running locally and have an option…
### What version of `drizzle-orm` are you using?
### What version of `drizzle-kit` are you using?
### Describe the Bug
hey, i am using libsql on my local environment with …
Steps to reproduce:
1. Start a new terminal session;
2. Run `turso db shell db-name`;
3. Once it's connected, typing `.quit` for example won't work, one have to press `enter` first and only then …