Just github latest 1.5, directly extracted to c:\-test - no adjustments to ini-file, so everything is probed. If I run with demo param, it plays demo image, but still not on the dmd - only virtual. Ad…
Pins need a widget but it sounds like that's going to change per http://community.blynk.cc/t/storing-data-on-blynk-server-virtual-pins/7101/4
I mean if all vPins are common among one auth, can't one device pull in all vPin data to send out one consolidated Tweet?
On 5/12/2016 the A/C ran for 452 min. Outside: 105°F/66°F. House: 79°F/75°F. …
Comment out lines 18-21:
Having issues with the following:
Pin------Local variable
110------hvacTodaysStartCount in void totalRuntime()
111------todaysAccumRuntimeSec in void countRuntime() (NOW COUNTS ALONG WITH VARIABL…
Idea: HVAC starts it, the calls the next device.
Ehh... would probably need to bridge everything. Maybe try anyhow?
Actually, I think I can just plug various uptimes into vPins then use all the vPin…
Thinks it's going to have to go down like this:
1. Pushbutton received by HVAC (and others).
2. HVAC reports, brief delay, then writes to vPin.
3. Node01 gets pushbutton, checks API, if not ready then…
Terminal or other input to enter filter change date. Store in EEPROM.
Then, based on runtime (not calendar) notify on recommended filter replacement, which is reset when filter changed button is push…
Can probably just "freeze" this readout until a blower state change.