Immediately after opening BlueJ, the top row menus (which by the way are missing a keyboard shortcut to access) do not respond to mouse clicks.
After double-clicking on a class in a project to open…
Crash log below. The person reporting it said that it particularly occurs when BlueJ is re-opening the last open project on launch.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime En…
This code should generate a warning message:
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TestRaw
{ private ArrayList g = new ArrayList(); }
I believe this is set using the the bluej.defs opti…
[24.08.2023 12:09:16] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:09:16] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
In GitLab by @PwtKCL on Sep 22, 2022, 08:38
Discuss the need & feasibility - suggestion from a student in our support email (22/09/2022)
"But I would like to ask for a feature to find/ locate a clas…
In GitLab by @babis on Dec 3, 2020, 06:22
Tools -> Use Library Class -> java.lang.String -> click on Documentation button, I see a “page not found” error.
Also, the other classes load a "Null".
I tried to load blueJ 5 extensions on two different windows 10 machines. None worked. The only extension loaded is always the submitter extension form . The extensions I tried were the classpath-exten…
Whenever I log onto the BlueJ the Virtual Machine does not appear, and I can't see the sessions that I create. If there is any way I can fix this, please tell me how. Otherwise, I would appreciate it …
When a user changes the font size of their code the line numbers stay the same size. This can be a problem where code is displayed on projectors as the line numbers become unreadable.
Line numbers sh…
In GitLab by @babis on Dec 7, 2020, 06:41
On mac when code-completion is shown, you cannot scroll down or up and there is no scroll-bar. When you go down with the keyboard, reaching the end of the li…