### Terraform Core Version
### AWS Provider Version
### Affected Resource(s)
- aws_datazone_domain
### Expected Behavior
The Datazone domain should be created
### Actual Behavior
I wanna fork your stuff and contribute.
The Unit Tests that are currently in `lib_test.go` are kinda random, a bit all over the place and do not cover testing every corner case of every publicly exposed function (ie in testing parlance, we …
Locs Tool has a function where it can spit out the UF3/UF4 ratio from a run. The challenge here is that based on our conversation, this works by a text search of the .txt out file created for a run. I…
Description: Implement the Curriculum model with fields required to meet GES standards.
Create schema with fields: class, strand, sub-strand, content standards, and learning indicators.
### Summary
When using `passwordstore lookup` to retrieve subkeys, if the subkey is missing, the lookup will create it even if `create == false`
This bug has been introduced with https://github.com/…
Boolean column is not currently supported as a Stored Column. It would be great to support it the same way as an Int column is supported for example (to have addBooleanColumn methods on DataFrame).
Every good product needs a logo that can be used in the README or as a favicon
### Coursework content
Over the next months you will have lots of coursework to complete! How will you manage it all? Go to [the link](https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/c/middle-and-high-…