From Research Pulse Issue #28 08/30/21
Link to paper [here](http://plpworkshop.com/papers/PLP_7_SmartConDetect_%20Highly%20Accurate%20Smart%20Contract%20Code%20Vulnerability%20Detection%20Mechanism…
### Prerequisites
- [X] This site DOES NOT contains sexually explicit material, otherwise use [NSFW-specific form](./new?template=bug_report_NSFW.yml);
- [X] Filters were updated before reproducing a…
These are notes and scratch work around the purpose and future of the project.
Mission: Provide a clear, meticulously validated, ubiquitously adopted reference architecture for an egalitarian Artif…
# Background
## What problems do you aim to solve?
Our project is designed to address five core problems each of which is individually designed to serve the mission of a user-owned Internet, while c…
By looking at the calendar invite, it's not immediately clear to me whats the talk scheduled for the day and what this meetup is about. I would suggest including the Agenda in the calendar invite.
## Description
In https://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/versions/master/api/faq/large_tensor_support it is stated that "...tensors are indexed in MXNet using INT32 indices by default. Now MXNet build wi…
## Description
Hello all, I am new to MXNet, so I am trying to have it installed and run on GPU. I am trying to install mxnet-cu101 to run on an RTX 3060. However, as soon as run the lines below, th…
## Description
I am using the latest release of v1.8.x mxnet installed with pip (mxnet-1.8.0.post0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl), more info in the Environment section. When using mkldnn and the …
### Checklist
- [X] I've read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [X] I've searched other issues and no duplicate issues were fo…