It would be nice to have an option to use amqp as a gen_stage producer. See: [GenStage](https://hexdocs.pm/gen_stage/Experimental.GenStage.html)
- 日時 2016-12-15 19:00-21:00
- 場所 札幌や,思い思いの場所
As shown [in this pr](https://github.com/elixir-lang/gen_stage/pull/89) the partition function is going to change. When a new GenStage release is out, make sure that we update.
[`GenServer.init/1`](http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/GenServer.html#c:init/1) supports a third parameter to timeout or hibernate the process. For consistency reason, [`GenStage.init/1`](http…
I'm trying to use [ExAws](https://github.com/CargoSense/ex_aws) library along with [minio](https://minio.io/).
I try to upload the file:
|> S3.Upload.stream_file
|> S3.upload(bucket_name…
The original question was brought up on this [ElixirForum post](https://elixirforum.com/t/genstage-how-to-cancel-a-flow-from-the-producer/1712) but here's a recap.
> I am creating a finite GenStage p…
When a consumer subscribes to a producer, then after some time its subscription is cancelled, and it resubscribes, new demand isn't sent. Is that intentional?
Here's a test case, the producer tracks …
The min_demand option—while stored and computed—is ignored in DynamicSupervisor. See: https://github.com/elixir-lang/gen_stage/blob/master/lib/dynamic_supervisor.ex#L510-L516
``` elixir
First, thanks for this awesome library - it makes parallel FP a joy 😄 . This may just be me being an Elixir newbie, but I'm struggling to work out how to make `Flow` retry failures, e.g.:
Right now we simply iterate through the list of `Hook`s with `Enum`. This can lead to bottlenecks in the case where we have a very large list of hooks to execute.
Possibly consider [GenStage](http://…