Plugins which overwrite a `JDocumentRender` class break without updating how their class is injected through `JLoader::register()`.
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
1) Install J3.5 in a PHP 5.3 envi…
In the server side rendering example, the initial startup js function calling `React.render` is being generated dynamically via PHP. In the comment it says I really should be using webpack instead of …
pyeek updated
9 years ago
This is for the Developing With Webpack chapter, page 19 of the PDF (version 1.6).
You say that you're about to modify webpack.config.js to enable sourcemaps, by way of the devtool parameter. …
for which reason does galacticraft load all space stations if someone starts a rocket and gets into the universe map instead of loading the world he goes to?
The loading of many space stations …
This might be overly ambitious, but I'm putting it out there regardless: It would be really cool if the new dependency you just added with `ap` also hotloaded the package into your current nrepl.
When hotloading a dimension through the "DimensionManager.initDimension(int)", the method "World.init()" isn't called. This will then result is a null pointer exception when the world tries to tick th…
I'm launching my program with `--debug-brk`. Execution is immediately paused. However, as soon as I load up `node-inspector`'s page in Chrome, the script resumes, and immediately crashes (with the err…
redbadger/reflex#7 introduces extra arguments to reflex's `server.run`, we need to update the CLI to make the right call.
Hi guys! Thanks for all of your hard work on clj-refactor and the nrepl middleware this summer and fall. :heart: I hope I can contribute more in 2015 than I did in 2014. In the meantime, would you lik…
One issue that we are experiencing in Scalatra is not being being able to hotload scalate templates in production, that is, compiling (and loading) scalate templates before the scalatra container star…