first up i am new to python and programming in general.
Poliastro installs succsesful, but import poliastro.testing; poliastro.testing.test() fails. i tried deinstalling an reinstalling poliastro b…
Ref: https://github.com/astropy/astroquery/pull/1325#issuecomment-452765939
Documentation: https://astroquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jplsbdb/jplsbdb.html
If all the examples in the [User Guide…
I calculated the velosity of Earth Barycenter using jplephem v2.8 with the following code
from jplephem.spk import SPK
import numpy
kernel = SPK.open('de430.bsp')
jd = 2458502.4374 # 2019-01-…
After some experimentation I quickly found that PyEphem is terrible at predicting the locations of moons (it's not trivial to generating ephemerides for perturbed bodies).
JPL Horizons contains *al…
**URL**: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons#top
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 65.0
**Operating System**: Windows 7
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes
**Problem type**: Something else
I am using Skyfield 1.11 and Ephem 3.7.6 with Python 2 mostly. I have produced a Nautical Almanac that agrees or is better than the Pyephem version. However I have a curious error on two dates only wi…
I am calculating Planet (Mars & Mercury) Position on 27 Feb 1983 17:34:00
Skyfield Result :
Mars 2.3836313274432888 deg
**Mercury 321.5257022360414 deg**
Swiss Ephemeris Result:
Mars …
I'm trying to get some coordinates for Earth with Sun as location on [Horizons](https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi), as here:
Using astroquery 0.3.8 from PyPi, I've noticed that our Horizons lookups have been failing:
In [1]: from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons
In [2]: obj = Horizons(id='Ceres', location=N…
Hi, mercury,
I was using mercury with different step sizes and different integrators with original data from mercury and new data from mercury(JPL:16-12). For original data, the Pluto is stable, ho…