### Description
Este feature request trata sobre traducir de JS a TS el archivo merge.js que se encuentra en src/topics/merge.js
Rebeca Ledesma, 15-10771
### Community forum reference
_No respo…
Importing via `mamoth.js` is going to always have issues as many of the docx styles and blocks are not supported.
See https://github.com/mwilliamson/mammoth.js/
Unfortunately, something more com…
How can I reduce `search_index.js` file size ?
The `gh-pages` limit is 100Mb, and I'm hitting this limit e.g. https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/actions/runs/11794903812/job/32859378612#step:5:…
Getting an error for the following FPCore.
(FPCore (a b angle x-scale y-scale)
(let* ([θ (* (/ angle 180) PI)]
[F (* (* b a) (* b (- a)))]
[A (/ (/ (+ (pow (* a (sin θ…
It would be amazing to play games from the snes or other consoles offline.
## Asking a Question?
Why we must use Next.js?
So that we can run code in node after a basic `npx tsc`, without module compatibility problems
cc @martin-gorner for viz
Later we can investigate other steps needed to debug a local file, until …
### Description
Voy a convertir el archivo admin.js que se encuentra en la ruta src/navigation/admin.js de JavaScript a un archivo TypeScript (TS)
### Community forum reference
_No response_
### Description
Voy a convertir el archivo summary.js que se encuentra en la ruta src/posts/summary.js de JavaScript a un archivo TypeScript (TS)
### Community forum reference
_No response_