I have several [accessors](https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/eloquent-mutators#defining-an-accessor) set up to decrypt encrypted DB fields. However, I'm unable to search those fields unless I encrypt the s…
Nova Version: v1.06
I have a resource which have the following relationship
Even though I remove the value from the searchable dropdow…
i updated my project to 5.7 and would like to add Nova how described at the documentation.
I added:
`"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,
"repositories": [
Issue tracker on braintree-cashier is disabled, so asking here.
Maybe I understood something wrong, but when I tested code on the line https://github.com/laravel/cashier-braintree/blob/2.0/src/Bill…
I think it is more convenient to check on user id in in the viewTelescope Gate.
User email can easily be changed and breaks access to telescope.
For god only knows what reason, Laravel Spark announcements use UUID 4 for announcements instead of an auto-incrementing ID. Laravel Nova is incompatible with that when using the ID field.
Be nice to have the package models dynamic.
The issue is yes i can extend the models but by dooing that dashboard actions dont take into account my models and any additional changes in it.
The idea is the following. A `Teacher` model can belong to multiple `Schools` at the same time.
Having `school_id` on the `teachers` table will not be enough.
Is it possible to support storing …
500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
Reported on logs…
I'm not sure if you're already discussing this internally, but if not, please take this suggestion.
The UX of updating Nova is horrendous... Having to download a zip file into your project is a mas…