```rails g administrate:dashboard Name/Model```
create app/dashboards/model_dashboard.rb
create app/controllers/admin/model_controller.rb
ReferenceError: google is not defined
[Break On This Error]
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.0, 151.0);
### Steps to reproduce
rails g exception_notification:install --sidekiq
config.add_notifier :email, {
email_prefix: '[ERROR] ',
I discovered an issue while working on a project for my job.
We are using:
- rails_admin (0.8.1)
- rails_admin_history_rollback (1.0.0)
- paper_trail (8.1.2)
When setting up rails_admin_his…
I have created a materialised view named `awards_reports` on table named `awards`.
In `rails_admin` I have added a model for `AwardsReport`. Now when I try to click on `Awards reports` in the navig…
The learning materials page on the [`arc_platform`](https://rubycommunity.africa/learn) should be made CRUD so that learning materials can be added, updated, and deleted without ha…
[//]: # (Lines starting with [//]: are considered to be comments. You do not have to delete those lines, they are not rendered upon release.)
**User Story**
[//]: # (Be descriptive about your us…
aka flag for Admin attention. I looked into can_flag (which doesn't support Rails 4) -- it looks like we might have to implement this manually.
Should be able to log in and manage users
I have this configuration on mi config.ru file
require 'rack/rewrite'
use Rack::Rewrite do
r302 %r{/marketing/([^\?]*)(\?.*)*}, '/$1'
I want make rails write log before redirect.