After installing and initiating the directory as shown in the [installation guide](https://github.com/fknorr/studip-client#installation) calling `studip {update, download, sync}` gives me the followin…
werli updated
7 years ago
It fails on this folder
![screenshot from 2017-04-27 14-28-50](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1306276/25483408/f21cd70a-2b55-11e7-97e8-0fe5ae661dfe.png)
Using last sync directory …
#### in okhttp3.internal.platform.AndroidPlatform.connectSocket
* Number of crashes: 48
* Impacted devices: 27
There's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com:
Folders created as "topic related document folder" do not show up in /documents/:course_id/folder. Additionally there doesn't seem to be a way to get from a course to its topic related folders.
#### in retrofit2.adapter.rxjava.OperatorMapResponseToBodyOrError$1.onNext
* Number of crashes: 48
* Impacted devices: 8
There's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com:
Mit den aktuellen Release-Versionen von Stud.IP 3.4 und 3.5 erscheint an verschiedenen Stellen (Meine Seminare, Veranstaltungsadministration, Lernmodul hinzufügen) efolgende Fehlermeldung:
Fehler! …
Weil es schnell geht ;-)
Warning: Declaration of Cliqr\CliqrStudipController::url_for($to) should be compatible with StudipController::url_for($to = '') in /var/www/studip_3.5/public/plugins_packag…
#### in de.elanev.studip.android.app.MainActivity.setContentView
- Number of crashes: 49
- Impacted devices: 40
There's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com:
#### in android.support.design.internal.NavigationMenuPresenter.onRestoreInstanceState
- Number of crashes: 49
- Impacted devices: 15
There's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.co…