Steps to replicate:
0) Enable realtime webtask logs
1) Enable github extensions
2) Create repo with rules/console_log.js and rules/console_log.json in them
3) push repo
4) Github extensions page …
I did `npm install webpack` and `npm install webpack-node-externals`. I then did a `npm run build` and I get this error:
~/personal/repo-supervisor[master !] > npm run build
> repo-supervis…
I'm currently running the built in auth0 delegated administration extension, but I want a custom domain. Is this codebase the same extension? Do I just run this on my own server and hook it up via t…
Hello. Does this code have a licence?
We have some test code running out now to run this in a webtask (https://webtask.io/) - would you be interested in including it here?
Shrink SVGs that are bigger than 100 kB. Recall that the Zookeeper logo is available as PSD: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/zookeeper/logo/
$ ls -lS cached_logos/
total 16560
The extension will keep track of up to 10 deployment entries. Each deployment stores logging data into the webtask storage facility. This has an upper limit of 500 KB and can be quickly reached thro…
Trying to create a new webtask with the stripe node_module
My Webtask
var stripe = require("stripe")
module.exports = function(context, callback) {
The site is being spammed with fake packages like:
There are more, just look for the description:
"just fo…