Basically every export that has both static meshes and skeletal (parented to armature) meshes ends up with different scale for meshes. Skeletal meshes are always 100x smaller. I guess it's somewhere a…
File "/Users/nathan/dev/nlp-tools/activedop/app.py", line 806, in reattach
treeobj, cgel_tree_terminals = graphical_operation_preamble(treestr)
Hi, I had a look at [Esp32_PPM.ino](https://github.com/RoboDurden/Hoverboard-Firmware-Hack-Gen2.x-GD32/blob/main/Arduino%20Examples/Esp32_PPM/Esp32_PPM.ino) Does the UART bus only update every 3 secon…
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I can't see how this could happen, but will fill in more details if they become available.
Bookshelf fails to extract the cover image from some books in the EPUB format. The name of the book as well as the description and other details gets loaded correctly though.
One of the books that …
**Github username:** @0xbrett8571
**Twitter username:** 0xbrett8571
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x650ee27c834bfa0402ab1a4414f4d2d824f4de1565730242f9b6efa05db14694
**Severity:** medium
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