### Check for existing issues
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### Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it
I’ve encountered an issue with the Chinese input experience in Zed when using the Fcitx5 input met…
Config file format for alacritty changes from yaml to toml in version 0.13.
Hi there! Thanks for the plugin :D
Is there any known issue with alacritty and/or using neovim instead of vim?
It seems to be tracking more or less accurately but with constant intervals (even t…
Hello! I'm using Archcraft with bspwm.
I'm running listening from `bspwmrc` config as `exec clipse -listen &`
Then I have a `sxhkdrc` config for my keybinds, I've configured clipse to open in floa…
I love your tool, thank you for your work!
Two features that would be nice to have:
1. Maybe it is something wrong with my terminal (Alacritty) but I can't copy logs from console to send them som…
.%;888:8898898: sam@imac151gh
x;XxXB%89b8:b8%b88: -------------
.8Xxd 8X:. OS: Garuda Linux…
I can't get shortcuts to work at all, I have this in the plasma config:
shortcuts = {
"services/org.kde.konsole.desktop"."_launch" = [];
"services/Alacritty.desktop"."New" = "Ctrl…
### Name of app
### Website of the app requested
Steps to reproduce:
Run `socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/hypr/$(echo $HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE)/.socket2.sock | while read line; do echo "Recieved event: \"$line\""; done` in a shell, then switch worksp…
In some cases ueberzug won't position an image correctly along the cell boundaries of the terminal.
I have encountered this in terminals which have a menu bar at the top (for example xfce4-terminal…