Hey All,
Was wondering if there were plans to integrate Auth with any of the available wikis Would be useful for restricting access to the wiki, or it's subpages, to authorized users only.
So at the moment, if someone joins a group they are immediately given the role on discord.
However, if they leave the group, either via requesting to leave, or their character no longer meeting the…
Hey all!
Had a request from one of our alliance leaders, and figured I'd put it here to see if it's feasible since my own coding skills are still at the level of "stuck in a wet paper bag and can't c…
So this might not even be a bug and just the way Auth works right now.
So on the service page it shows a unique ID which is the pilots name with his corp ticker infront.
However I can go on TS use th…
`allianceauth-discordbot==3.8.1` is throwing the following error with both `redis==4.6.0` and `redis==5.0.8`.
==> myauth/log/discordbot.log
Feature Request:
A page which shows "main chars" and all associated Alts.
But make it possible for a user to opt out (hide) characters from that list.
It's hard for members to keep track of each o…
Some things seems to have broken with update from to 0.5.3.
Visible stuff - Corporation ledger/overview has no data
Some logs from celery faileds below:
Trigger: when on the applications tab, clicking more than one action causes a crash (presumably---it could technically be something else, I suppose)
IntegrityError at /whctools/staff
(1062, "…
AAuth 4.1.0 and AA-Charlink 1.4.0
When I go through it, everything works fine. When anyone else does it, they get a generic looking gateway timeout error when they click the blue Login button on th…
Are there any plans to convert the module to the new Auth UI?