i saw India is auto default country here, but I want to show them a view like "Choose A Country" then people will choose a country.
Is it possible to hide the country picker?
12-31 15:00:07.817 21796-21796/com.zealtechnology.citystate E/Process: android_os_Process_getProcessNameByPid pid is 21796
android_os_Process_getProcessNameByPid value is ology.citystate
12-31 1…
Tried with
I want name of the country user selected.
Version 2.4.0 is the last one where I can see the arrow. For newer Versions I only see white where it should be.
I also tried the following:
val img : ImageView = ccp.findViewById(R.id…
This package is the most useful available for selecting country/state/city, but does not associate ISO codes with countries. This would be an enormously helpful feature.
The displayed time for tasks is in the 1 hour format with am/pm, the time picker also uses am/pm on my phone. The phone itself is set to 24 hour format. It would be nice if the 24 hour setting could b…
> Program type already present: com.coremedia.iso.AbstractBoxParser$1
> Message{kind=ERROR, text=Program type already present: com.coremedia.iso.AbstractBoxParser$1, sources=[Unknown source file], to…